CANNOCK: St Luke’s Church Hall WS11 1DE: 1st Monday of each month from 1:00 – 3:00
HAUGHTON: Haughton Village Hall ST18 9EZ: 2nd Thursday of each month from 7:00 – 9:00
RUGELEY: Lea Hall,The Davy Room WS15 2LB: 3rd Friday of each month from 7:00 – 9:00
HEATH HAYES: Please note this Group closed in 2023. Carers and their cared-for from this Group are welcome to attend any of the Groups above.
Trustees of the MASE agreed that they would rather run three groups well, than four groups not so well. By closing the Heath Hayes Group Trustees get a two week break, in which they can recharge their batteries for the coming month. The decision to close Heath Hayes was made for many different reasons, and was not taken lightly. We as Trustees have to make some difficult decisions at time – but everything is done with the Carers and their cared for in mind.
We are more than happy for our people from Heath Hayes to attend any of the other Groups, and they can rest assured a warm welcome will always await them.
Enjoy your Groups whether they be an afternoon or an evening – we look forward to seeing you all again.
Daphne & Richard Sharp, Dave Degg, Dave Godden, and Michael Creek – Trustees of MASE
The Mase Group Queens Award Video – Click to view

Daphne and Richard are two Founder Trustees of the MASE. They have have both cared for, and lost a loved one to Alzheimer’s. There are three other Trustees of the MASE: David Godden. Dave Degg and Michael Creek, who all bring a wealth of experience and a knowledge of the illness to the Groups. All Trustees are eager for people with dementia, and in particular their Carers, be given the opportunity of a much needed support service and hope the MASE will encourage people to openly discuss dementia and help to dismiss the myth of it being a taboo subject.
Once a month, in Cannock, Haughton, Rugeley, and Hednesford a MASE Group takes place. The locations have reasonable access by public transport and are in safe locations close to each town. The premises have wheelchair access, accessible toilets, car parking and catering facilities. Every effort is made to make the MASE user-friendly by using suitable visual and audio equipment.
What happens at a MASE meeting?
Fundamentally the MASE aims to provide social support and information for people with dementia, their carers, family and friends.
An assortment of leaflets are on-hand outlining services, benefits and resources available for people with dementia and their carers, from Health, Social Services, voluntary organisations and the private sector. There is also the opportunity to ask questions of professionals in a protected and confidential environment. No charge is made for visitors to the MASE, however donation boxes are on all tables for people to support the upkeep of the Groups.
Each Carer receives a raffle ticket on entry; six prizes are raffled during the evening ensuring six Carers will go home with a gift. Some raffle prizes are donated by local businesses and some are donated by Carers attending the groups.
Because the MASE Cannock Group is held at lunchtime there is a light buffet, also a selection of soft drinks, or tea and coffee.
The Evening MASE Groups have assorted biscuits and home made cake together with a selection of soft drinks, or tea and coffee.
There is also musical entertainment at all of the groups, where the atmosphere changes to more of a social event. People sing along to the tunes and sometimes even dance; for many they have not had the opportunity to do this for some time.
The success of the MASE would not be possible without the regular commitment of volunteers, of which there are 40, all recognisable by their red blouses or shirts. Some are professionals from Health, Social Care or other third sector organisations, many are actual Carers, who have perhaps lost their loved one and who find great reward by bringing their wealth of knowledge and understanding to others in a similar situation.We have over 40 incredible Volunteers who are essential to the MASE. They are always on-hand to answer questions and give emotional support, whilst at the same time ‘waiting on’ the people attending the Groups.
The MASE is a great example of joint working across professional boundaries. Carers often comment that one major benefit of the MASE is the familiar friendly faces of the regular volunteers that attend each of the evenings. Many Carers also state how beneficial it is having someone who will simply sit with them and spend time listening to their problems. Carers can speak in confidence knowing their loved ones are being looked after by the CPN’s attending the MASE or by one of the volunteers.
Local Councillors have over the years shown their support for the MASE by donating funds towards red blouses/shirts for volunteers to wear at each MASE making them easily identifiable to the Carers should the need arise during the evening. We have also have support from Councillors with help towards the payment of the halls we use for the Groups.
Some of the comments from Carers:
“Thank you all for a wonderful evening. I cannot suggest anything more, it was a great evening and I can’t wait for the next one”.
“Why can’t we have a MASE meeting every week?”.
“You will never know how much we appreciate being with people each month”.
“Having someone to just listen is so valuable”.
“First class evening – nothing like it. Please keep going”.
“All the Volunteers are so caring and look after us so well. This is our Lifeline – thank you”.
Please do come along and join us for an evening – who better for you to talk and make friends with than others in a similar situation.
Registered Charity No: 1137193 – The Monthly Alzheimer’s Support Evening Limited (MASE)
Company Limited by Guarantee No: 7228424